EPDM Polymer Adhesive 

It is high-quality, neutral-dry, elastic, one-component, polymer based joint filling cement. 
It does not contain solvent and isocyanate, it is inodorous, it is quickly cured, and it is resistant to atmospheric air conditions, and resistant to the most challenging substances such as acid, alkaline, mineral oil and solvent.  It splendidly adheres to many materials. It has high elasticity. It is used for adhering EPDM plates to each other and for adhering EPDM plates to many different construction materials. 

EPDM Silicone Adhesive 

It is high-quality, neutral-dry, elastic, one-component, silicon based joint filling cement. 
It is applied very easily. It does not fade and it is resistant to UV lights. It maintains its elasticity even after curing. It has been specially designed for adhering EPDM. It splendidly adheres to many materials. It has low module. 
It is used for adhering EPDM plates to each other and for adhering EPDM plates to many different construction materials.

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