EPDM membrane a highly flexible elastomeric polymer created by the synthesis of ethylene, propylene and a very small amount of diene-monomer, followed by the addition of carbon and the treatment of various oils and binders. EPDM retains its physical properties for many years.
Rubber is produced from EPDM-based synthetic elastomer. It has superior resistance against UV rays and ozone effect compared to its counterparts. It does not lose any of its properties in sudden temperature shifts ranging from -40°C up to +120°C.
It is resistant to plant roots, salinity in the soil and water, and numerous chemicals. Thanks to its high elongation property, it can be applied in structures with dilatation without requiring additional measures. Conducted aging tests have shown that it can remain in its application site without showing any sign of deterioration for 30 years. The success of EPDM comes from its outstanding physical properties such as longevity, climatic durability, elasticity etc.
EPDM membranes offer light and easy application in both new roofs and existing roof applications. It has many application areas such as Irrigation ponds, dams, water canals, fire pools, water treatment plants, building floors, foundational walls, play pools etc.

Considering the diversity of their usage areas, geomembranes must incorporate many features.
Due to high and low ambient temperatures, UV exposure or repeated mechanical stress, they should be produced from EPDM rubber for its accelerated oxidation effect. It is resistant to contamination of water by harmful substances due to bacteria and fungus growth. It is resistant to any stress caused by environmental impacts. It is resistant to continuous wetting and drying cycles. It is resistant to continuous freezing and dissolution cycles. It has incredibly high liquid impermeability. It is remarkably resistant to stress and cracking. It has the same breakage and elongation values as a result of welding process.

Landscaping & Recreation
- Parks and Gardens
- Golf courses
- Zoological park
- Artificial snow ponds

- Soil water protection
- Biological water treatment
- Hazardous Waste Storage - Spill and secondary enclosure
- Storage Area
- Radon and lead protection - Terraces, lush gardens on terraces

- Soil water protection
- Biological water treatment
- Hazardous Waste Storage
- Spill and secondary enclosure
- Storage Area
- Radon-and lead protection
- Terraces, lush gardens on the terraces

- Flooring
- Roofing
- Curtain wall

- Portable water tanks
- Process water tanks
- Mud, ash, waste storage
- Dirty water storage